Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's Just Me

It was a calm night and a light breeze was blowing thru his hair as he sat on a cluster of rocks watching the ocean tide flow in and out along the edge of the sand. It had been a long time since he had any time alone and smelling the ocean breeze was bringing back a flood of memories. Closing his eyes now he became completely lost in his thoughts he could almost feel her presence,  smell her perfume, and taste her sweetness.

Her hand gently caressed the side of his face as it ran along his jaw line she looked tenderly into his eyes. She was beautiful with her long brown hair, and her hazel eyes that peered into his soul. He was exposed there and with the exposure there was strength. Strength in knowing they were together, that they were one. Her full lips opened slightly as they leaned into each other. Lips, so soft, lightly brushing his and sending the warmth of love thru him again. As there lips parted and tongues danced in a waltz that they knew so well se slowly pulled away and was gone.

He opened his now tear filled blue eyes and cursed into the night. He wanted her, it wasn't just lust, no it was an aching burning need and she was the only thing that could quench it. The tears now rolled down his cheek as he took a swig from the bottle that was nestled between his legs. The warm liquid burned the back of his throat as it went down. Moving to pull his phone from his pocket he flipped it open and dialed her number and it went directly to her voicemail.

"It's just me baby...." he spoke choking back the tears and hanging up.

The next morning she opened her hotel room door and noticed below the morning paper an envelope. Bringing the newspaper and envelope inside with her she tossed the paper on the side table and sat down to open the envelope.

You know your favorite old pair of shoes
The ones with the hole in the toe you won't lose
Your favorite record that's all scratched and used
But still you love to play when your feeling blue
That faded rose that's all dried out
Those Bukowski poems we couldn't live without
Your high school picture when you had wild hair
That stormy day on the beach that got us here

And oh, you better believe
There's just one thing you need, oh can't you see.....

It's just me baby, It's just me baby
There's just one thing that you should keep in you book of 
It's just me baby (it's just me)

Just like a shadow 10 feet tall
Standing right behind you should you fall
I'll be the one to hold you up to walk
When this wicked world makes us want to crawl

And if your waves should ever break at sea 
I'll be there waiting, I'm that sandy beach
I'm the same old dog, scratching those same fleas
I'll be by your side, you can count on me

It's just me baby, it's just me baby
There's just one thing that you should keep in your book of 
It's just me baby, it's just me baby
What's it gonna take to make you see?
What's it gonna take 'til you believe in me?

Oh, how my smile fades and my heart just breaks everytime you 
go away

But it's just me baby, it's just me baby
There's one more thing that you should keep in your book of 
It's just me baby, it's just me baby
What's it gonna take to make you see?
What's it gonna take 'til you believe in me?

And if someday some new memory comes along
Looking shiny, new, feeling really strong
You can tell him that I'll tell him he can just move on
I'm a fighter, I've been fighting for you all night long
It's just me baby, It's just me baby, It's just me baby, It's just me baby

Jon stretched as the light hit his face, his head pounding from the bottle of jack he threw down the night before. Not quite remembering where he was his eyes adjusted to his surroundings and he realized he was on the floor of the living room in his New Jersey home. He slowly rolled over so that he wasn't sucking on the carpet when he saw her sitting in the overstuffed armchair just feet from him.

She was looking at him wondering if she should help him up or leave him to wallow in the greatness of his well deserved hangover. Raising the upper half of his body he started to move toward her hoping it wasn't another dream. Touching her bare legs he spoke.

" it really you" his eyes were squinted fearing that the light of day would make his brain pound out of his skull.

"It's me's me" she replied now feeling pity for him. She missed him, missed his touch, his smell, his everything. He completed her as much as she completed him. She always knew that, but he was the one that needed to realize that. It seemed like he finally had come to that conclusion on his own. So, she was ready now and so was he.

He didn't make it further than her thighs before he fell back to the floor closing his eyes and back to his half drunken sleep.

Making herself at home n the home she left a few weeks before she tried and finally succeeded in bringing him into the guest bedroom. Undressing him and herself she slid under the covers with him.

When Jon awoke he was in a much better state although still a bit off. He saw her next to him her eyes closed, full lips perfectly relaxed in a state of peaceful sleep. He ran his hand gently across her face and over her jaw line and her eyes opened slowly as she leaned into his familiar touch.

They stared into each others eyes not speaking a word, but knowing exactly where they stood. Their lips touched softly and opened for each other. Tongues entered the known warmth and the dance intensified while they gripped each other tighter. Their hands roamed the known territory of soft skin.

Her soft warm core was being caressed by his long talented fingers and she pushed her hips forward toward his hand to encourage what he was doing as she stroked his steel shaft longing for him to be in her. Moaning their pleasure, they stroked each other higher and higher she begged him to enter her.

Feeling like he could explode in her hand he lifted himself while rolling her onto her back and spreading her legs. In one swift movement he plunged himself into her heated center. Screaming his name and he screaming hers they climbed higher and higher. They continued gripping, sucking, caressing, pulling, and milking all they could from each other till they went tumbling down the other side of the mountain together screaming at the intensity of it all. Finally collapsing onto her as the last bit of pleasure rushed them he laid on her in her embrace as they tried to return back to solid ground.

Then he whispered huskily in her ear "Tell me yo will take me back?"

"Tell me yo want to be back, that this is where you want to be." she said already knowing.

"No place I'd rather be.....I just want you baby.....just you...."

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